The UN ceiling painting (above) is by Spanish abstract artist Miquel Barceló at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.
The sculpture consists of many layers of coloured paints composed of pigments from across the globe, sprayed across the ceiling to create stalactites. The work is groundbreaking both artistically and technically and represents the themes of multiculturalism, mutual tolerance and understanding between cultures.
Photo: Courtesy UN Geneva
The sculpture consists of many layers of coloured paints composed of pigments from across the globe, sprayed across the ceiling to create stalactites. The work is groundbreaking both artistically and technically and represents the themes of multiculturalism, mutual tolerance and understanding between cultures.
Photo: Courtesy UN Geneva
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Mental Health in the UN Development Agenda for 2030
The United Nations adopts the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and strengthen Mental Health
Here is the link to the UNITED NATIONS live streaming from San Jose, CA:
Mental Health in the UN Development Agenda for 2030
The United Nations adopts the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and strengthen Mental Health
The UN will need to make the Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs) work
by-- measuring them by specific "indicators". These indicators will be adopted by the UN around November or later (they are still being negotiated). The only way that mental health will really matter in the development Agenda 2030 is if there are very strong indicators (measurements) in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). FundaMentalSDG proposes the following 2 indicators: Indicator 23: Probability of dying between exact ages 30 and 70 from any of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, or suicide Indicator 28: Proportion of persons with a severe mental disorder (psychosis, bipolar affective disorder, or moderate-severe depression) who are using services These indicators are fully aligned with the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Mental Health Action Plan. Here is how we can each Take Action: FundaMentalSDG has drafted a position paper and supporting documents. Please send these documents to your national statistics department (if you have a direct contact to them, or to a general email address). In addition, you can also send these to UN STATs: [email protected], with a simple email asking for inclusion of the indicators 23 & 28. Thank you. UN SDG: Mental Health Position Paper Download File Annex: WHO 100 core health indicators: Suicide rate & Coverage Download File Annex: GBD 2010 - Depressive disorders Download File Annex: FundaMentalSDG - Agenda2030 SDGs & Mental Health Download File Mental Health in the UN Development Agenda for 2030 The United Nations adopts the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and strengthens Mental Health The United Nations have adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Agenda2030 is an ambitous document, featuring 17 new sustainable development goals and 169 targets, that will define global development from 2015 to 2030. For the first time, the UN have included mental health! In the new SDGs mental health is included in the 'declaration' part:
The final outcome document: Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development The UN summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda is held from 25-27 September 2015 in New York. UN Secretary-General's Synthesis Report on the SDGs (4 Dec 2014): The UN Secretary General has released the UN SDGs Synthesis report: The Road to Dignity by 2030: Ending Poverty, Transforming All Lives and Protecting the Planet. The Synthesis Report contains a clear statement of including mental illness in the SDGs. This report will be basis for all negotiations of the future Post-2015 agenda. The UN member states will now negotiate the details of the SDGs. Read the full report. Watch the UN General Assembly (Informal meeting): Briefing by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on his synthesis report on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Kofi Annan said on 25 November 2014: "First, as the world is thinking about a development framework to build on the Millennium Development Goals, we need to place mental health in general and depression in particular within the post-2015 agenda. There is no doubt that depression must become a global priority because it not only affects health and well-being but also diminishes labour productivity and economic growth. (...) We now need to find the will and resources to use this knowledge to transform the lives of hundreds of millions of people." Kofi Annan, at the Economist Group's Global Crisis of Depression Conference, London, 25 November 2014 Read the full speech here. Report at the UK Parliament on 26.11.14: On 26 November the major report 'Mental Health for Sustainable Development' was launched in the UK Parliament of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Global Health and Mental Health. The report contains only 4 recommendations - one of which is the target for the Sustainable Development Goals, as proposed by FundaMentalSDG. Supporting Articles and Research
UN GOALS that can cut Mental Illness and Enhance ofi Annan said, on 25 November 2014: "First, as the world is thinking about a development framework to build on the Millennium Development Goals, we need to place mental health in general and depression in particular within the post-2015 agenda. (...) There is no doubt that depression must become a global priority because it not only affects health and well-being but also diminishes labour productivity and economic growth. (...) We now need to find the will and resources to use this knowledge to transform the lives of hundreds of millions of people." Kofi Annan, at the Economist Group's Global Crisis of Depression Conference, London, 25 November 2014 Read the full speech here:. The UN has now adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and mental health is included ! This wonderful, historic step for global mental health became a reality on OCTOBER 5, 2015!! |